Architecture & Engineering

IxCube is the platform where architecture and engineering shake their hands

Power without Price

Advanced modelling - Fem Analysis and Patterning at your fingertips with affordable prices

Think it ! Design it ! Build it !

IxCube 4-10 will save you time and money. Investment returns within a few months guaranteed

IxCube 4-10 Purchase Info


      IxCube 4-10 package:

  • Printed Manual 300 pg
  • USB Protection Dongle
  • Technical Support
  • Video Tutorials
  • Training



Contact us today for IxCube 4-10 price list.

 There are several versions available to fit your budget:

  • IxCube 4-10 Premium
  • IxCube 4-10 Professional
  • IxCube 4-10 Basic



If you want to receive commercial information and access to download area, please login.


ixCube 4-10  is available for rent on a monthly base.

Please connect to  to download ixCube 4-10 for rent and enabling your license online in a few minutes.

Both 32 and 64 bit versions available and both can be enabled with the same license giving 2 licenses at the price of one.

For any further info please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Maintenance fees
There are no maintenance fees but you can purchase a user maintenance package for a fixed fee. This package allows the costumers to get free patch upgrades and technical support through email, skype and hot line.

Latest News


ixCube 4-10 Platform 5.3.8 Released
mesh stress


Dubai Workshop 2019

Dubai 2019






IxRay ltd.

Dr. Emilio Frugoni 1109 
CP 11200 , Montevideo,Uruguay
Phone:+(598) 2419 5291

Italian Representative

Gerry D'Anza
Via G. Porzio, 4 Isola G8
80143 CD. Napoli
Phone: +390814247405
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.