ixcube striscia x 

ixCube 4-10 is a new platform  based on 20 years of experience in developing ixForten 4000 and working in the membrane structure field as designers and engineers. Software are like Humans they know very little when born but year after year, they learn how to solve problems. After a while it is time to pass over and leave the field to modern systems by passing all the knowledge. This is what ixCube 4-10 is, a modern CAD and FEA system built upon advanced technologies that has the advantage to know exactely how to solve Tensile Structure problems. You will enjoy using this platform as much as we enjoyed making it.

After reading all the features compare them against your current engineering system and let us know what is missing.

Gerry D'Anza

ixRay ltd

Form Finding  

ixCube 4-10   Formfinder methods are based on :


  • FDM -  Force Density method 
  • NFDM - Natural Force Density method 
  • URS - Update Reference Strategy
  • DSM - Direct Stiffness Method (NL Newton-Raphson)

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  Structural Analysis
analysis 1

ixCube 4-10 structural analysis module is an advanced Fea kernel that takes in account geometrical and material non-linearities. Membranes, Beams, Cables and Plate-Shell elements are available as FEM elements.

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Linear & Buckling Analysis  

ixCube 4-10  rel 2.4.9  adds  Linear analysis features plus Global Buckling analysis. These new tools make the system a perfect tool  not only for special and tensile structures but also for running analysis over conventional steel strcutures

 linear analysis final result

Seismic & Modal Analysis  
Modal  Analysis  with spectrum response has been added to the list of tools for great flexibility and adding the opportunity to design the steel frame of your lightweight system against vibrating events like earthquakes

 seismic modal analysis

Profile and Material Database  

The profile & material database has more than 5000 ready to use steel profile, almost all membrane PVC materials and can be easily extended with new materials and profiles by the user.

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When it comes to FEA post processing analysis  ixCube 4-10 shows all its power. IxCube 4-10 gives fast and interactive plots of all results like deformed shape, axial forces, bending moments and membrane stresses. Results can be limited to max working stress and become a visual check of allowable stress state on the membrane.

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Generating Wind Loads  

We know how Wind Loads are important for tensile and membrane analysis. For this reason a special wind load generator will drive the engineer to apply pressure loads using Cp values calculated manually or imported from Caedium Computational Fluid Dynamic package.

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  Steel Design against EuroCode  EC3, British Standard BS5950, ASCE-7 & American Standard

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A number of optional plugins are available for steel design against country codes. Actually we have implemented EuroCodes EC3, British Standards BS 5950, American Standards ASCE-7

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  EC5 - Wood Design

wood design

EC5 Design add-on enables the design and check of wood structures. Check against strength,buckling and fire following EuroCodes in a simple and fast way

Concrete Foundation Design  

Another optional plugin is the Concrete Foundation module. The plugin will evaluate foundation slab size and steel rebars calculating balance against reaction forces for all load cases. Equilibrium against rotation, shear forces and uplift forces are all taken in account with plot of final results in a HTML report.

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  Advanced 3D Modeling
 cad copy

Dealing with complex shapes requires more than a simple modeling environment. ixCube 4-10 has a powerful CAD kernel able to generate any shape and convert it to a FEM model with a few mouse clicks.

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 Producing EXCEL, HTML, CSV Tables  

A FEM analysis system without high Quality Reports is almost useless. As engineers, we know that well presented data tables professional reports are an essential part of our workflow, to communicate the solutions in a clear and effective way.

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 excel reports

  Tensile Structure Patterning
 patterning 1

Patterning & Pattern Production is where ixCube 4-10 is a step ahead of any other platform on the market. Our system is the result of 20 years of experience in the field of membrane design and engineering.

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Scripting and Customizing  

There are never enough features... IxCube 4-10's Embedded Javascript engine and debugger exposes all the internals for highly advanced customization. From model generation to custom reports and post-processing of analysis data, nothing is left behind.

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  Parametric Modeling

We know time consuming the drawing of custom-made details can be for membrane structures. For this reason a new powerful Smart-Object Technology has been developed using our embedded Javascript engine and CAD modeling kernel to make Parametric Steel details, a feature which is unheard of in any other similar design package.

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Advanced CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics  

Computational Fluid Dynamics will be the future for Tensile Structure Engineering. ixCube 4-10 is the only system with a tight connection to SymScape Caedium Fluid Dynamic solver  for Cp and Pressure evaluation  in Virtual Wind tunnels.

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  CSI Sap 2000, Bentely Staad v8i, Midas Gen, AutoDesk Robot, Strand v7 Integration

Integration with third party FEA systems is a very useful option when it comes to team-work. ixCube 4-10 has a powerful merge module able to create automatic load cases out of non-linear results.

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RhinoCeros Grasshopper Integration  

RhinoCeros is the companion CAD platform for modeling, rendering and final workshop drawings. ixCube 4-10 has a tight connection to Rhino trough Import-Export of models, Copy-Paste trough windows ClipBoard and a powerful Grasshopper component able to generate models with a mouse click.

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  AutoCad DXF, DWG Import-Export Features

AutoCAD DWG, DXF support for Import-Export is  always a must have for any serious work. ixCube 4-10 of course does not leave you behind with a high quality export-import module for native DWG and DXF file formats from AutoCAD 14 up to AutoCAD 2014.

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Latest News


ixCube 4-10 Platform 5.3.8 Released
mesh stress


Dubai Workshop 2019

Dubai 2019






IxRay ltd.

Dr. Emilio Frugoni 1109 
CP 11200 , Montevideo,Uruguay
Phone:+(598) 2419 5291

Italian Representative

Gerry D'Anza
Via G. Porzio, 4 Isola G8
80143 CD. Napoli
Phone: +390814247405
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.